Screen Installation
Step 1
Measure the Space
The first step is to measure the width and height of the desired room. Please note that it’s important to plan for 12” of space behind the screen to allow for impact absorption.
You may find that you have specific obstacles such as soffits, beams, etc. To ensure a proper fit, D2G recommends purchasing a custom screen in the event that you find you have such obstacles.

Step 2
Determine Screen Size
Once you have your taken height and width measurements, we recommend deducting 12″ from the width and 6″ from the height to account for screen frame and padding.
Based on the height and width of your room, it’s important to determine the right aspect ratio. D2G has screens available in 4:3, 16:10, and 16:9 aspect ratios. A 4:3 screen will have a taller and narrower image while a 16:10 and 16:9 will have a much wider image. The space shown on the right reflects a 16:10 screen with an 8′ x 12′ standard screen size.

Step 3
Prep Room and Order or Build Frame
The frame to secure your screen is an optional add-on with the screen purchase. These frames can also be made with supplies from your local hardware store. If you plan to build the frame, D2G will supply a detailed plan, including a product list and exact measurements to cut and assemble your frame.
4:3 sizes: 7.7′ x 10′, 8′ x 10.5′, 8.5′ x 11.5′, 9′ x 12′, 9.5′ x 12.5′, 10′ x 13′
16:9 sizes: 7.7′ x 13′, 8′ x 14′, 8.5′ x15′, 9′ x 16′, 9.5′ x 17′, 10′ x 18′
16:10 sizes 8′ x 12′, 9′ x 14′, 8.5′ x 13′, 9.5′ x 15′, 10′ x 15.5′

Step 4
Install Frame
D2G will supply detailed DIY installation instructions to help you successfully install your screen frame. These instructions will include all of the tools, materials, and exact steps required to complete the installation.

Step 5
Install D2G Screen
Once you have purchased or built your frame, you are ready to install your D2G impact screen. Follow the DIY instructions to attach the back screen and the front projection screen. Once you have your materials, typical frame and screen installation takes approximately four hours to complete with two people.

Impact Screens
Simply the most quiet, advanced golf, multi-sport or gaming screen system on the market. Ideal for those looking to minimize sound optics in a home or commercial space.
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